In Big Rapids, Michigan, a unique blend of passions brings our community together: our shared love for cars and good music. At the heart of this intersection is Paris Auto Sales, where these passions play out daily, complemented by Big Country 100.9 tunes.


Daily Vibes at Paris Auto Sales

 Every morning, as the doors to our store open, the familiar sounds of 100.9 greet our early visitors. The station sets a comfortable backdrop for our day, from catchy morning tunes to Mornings with Etch discussing local events.

 The radio isn't just noise in the background; it's the beat we work to daily. Our customers often comment on the laid-back atmosphere the music creates. It's as if the familiarity of the songs, mixed with the thrill of shopping for a new car, brings a sense of home to the community.


The Paris Auto Sales Difference


How we integrate with the community makes our store stand out in Big Rapids. Paris Auto Sales is not just a car dealership but has become a hub for gatherings and stories, all woven with the soundtrack of Big Country playing in the backdrop.


Driving and Jamming: The Test Drive Experience

 At Paris Auto Sales, every element matters when you're test-driving a potential new car — from the price to how the car handles on the road to the feeling inside. That's where 100.9 steps in again. As customers feel the leather seats, play with the buttons, and rev the engine for the first time, they're also grooving to a mix of classics and today's country hits.


Occasionally, we've seen people bobbing their heads to the music, or a smile breaks out because they hear a song. "I remember this tune! I played this before football games," shared one customer, immediately connecting with the car and the memories.

 Big Rapids: More Than Just a Town


Big Rapids is a unique town with a rich history. It's not just any place; it's where people make memories and share stories. In Big Rapids, you can explore beautiful lakes, and the Muskegon River, and enjoy arts, fishing, hunting, and hiking. In short, it is Mother Nature's playground. Whether you're listening to a catchy song on 100.9 while driving the kids to school or planning a family visit to Paris Auto Sales, Big Rapids captures the charm of small-town life.

 WWBR 100.9: The Heart and Sound of Big Rapids


For those who might wonder why WWBR is our station of choice, they truly capture the heart of Big Rapids. Big Rapids is great, full of hard-working folks, and we're proud to be one of them. They're not just a music station but a part of our daily routine.


From announcing local high school football scores to hosting charity events, WWBR is a station that cares about our community, just like we do at Paris Auto Sales.

 Combine the Latest with the Timeless


Our cars at Paris Auto Sales have the latest tech, yet we pride ourselves on our classic approach to service. We love making people feel welcome, understood, and valued. Similarly, 100.9 delivers today's top country hits while ensuring they throw in loved classics. Both of us, in our ways, bridge the new with the familiar, creating a comfort zone.

 The Big Rapids Promise


In Big Rapids, places like Paris Auto Sales and WWBR Big Country 100.9 keep the town and area's heart beating strongly. Both have become essential parts of the area and local landscape, playing their role in the stories that unfold every day.

 Wrapping It Up


So, if you're ever in Big Rapids, a trip to Paris Auto Sales promises more than just car shopping. It's an experience. A chance to relive memories with songs from 100.9, make new ones as you find the perfect car, explore, and feel the genuine warmth of a community-centered space. Paris Auto Sales and Big Country 100.9 remind everyone of the simple joys of Big Rapids life in every car's start, song's lyrics, handshake, price, and deals closed. And as we often say, it's not just about cars or music; it's about the people and memories we make.


  • What is Big Rapids known for? Big Rapids, a city in Michigan, is famous for Ferris State University, fun activities on the Muskegon River, beautiful lakes, fantastic events like the Riverdays Festival, old buildings with history, and great places to play golf.

  • Is Big Rapids a nice place to live? Big Rapids, MI, is an excellent spot with its abundant land. It's good for a weekend getaway and an ideal place to live. If you do a quick search, you'll find many areas for an afternoon excursion, making it fun for you and your children. So, if you're considering a new home or just a visit, Big Rapids has lots to offer.

  • How Big is Big Rapids? Big Rapids, Michigan, covers an area of about 4.48 square miles.

  • Why is the city called Big Rapids? Big Rapids in Michigan is named after the rapid waters of the Muskegon River that flow through the city. The term "rapids" describes a part of a river where water moves rapidly. The "Big" in Big Rapids highlights the size and significance of these rapids compared to others in the region. The presence of these large rapids influenced the early development and identity of the city.